Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Neighborhood Watch Meeting

We had a great meeting tonight with the Glen Laurel Neighborhood watch – with a nice turnout. Although there was quite a bit of dialogue between homeowners and the Chief of Police, Mike was able to facilitate the meeting and get neighbors engaged in the neighborhood watch process.

Officer Joe Brady went over how 911 is for POLICE RESPONSE and not just emergencies and told us if we see something which doesn’t look right to call 911 and have the police come check it out. Any follow-up information on police response can be coordinated through Officer Brady and Lt. Hutchins or Mike and will be posted to the blog.

We have a wonderful community filled with neighbors willing to help neighbors – THANK YOU to all those neighbors who showed up tonight and most of all to those who stepped forward to be block captains!

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19 at 6:30 pm at the Glen Laurel Clubhouse.

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