Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Watch Reporting Process
For quality of life concerns or on-going problems which ARE NOT IN PROGRESS contact your watch commander or the Clayton Police Community Action Team at 919.550.0826 (Monday-Friday 7 am – 5 pm).
To report a street light out call the Town of Clayton Operations Center at 919.553.1530 and provide an address and/or pole number
- Glen Laurel Facebook page and homeowners association website
- Glen Laurel Neighborhood watch blog: http://www.glwatch.blogspot.com/
- Watch Commander Mike Barnes @ coachbarnes.crusader@gmail.com
- Police Department: Lt. Jason Hutchins @ 919.550.0826 or jhutchins@townofclaytonnc.org
For follow-up on any incidents contact your Watch Commander.
The Community Action Team will provide available information on incidents to the Watch Commander for distribution.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Neighborhood Watch Meeting TOMORROW
See you there!
Breaking & Entering - Be-On-the-Look-Out
Please be mindful and secure all of your doors and windows when you are away from home >> including doors from your garage into your home.
The Clayton Police do not have any suspects in this incident - so if you have any information please contact Lt. Hutchins at 919.550.0826 or email him at jhutchins@townofclaytonnc.org.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Bicycles Found

In the early morning hours of Saturday, November 6th, two subjects dressed in dark clothes and dark “hoodie” style sweatshirts were reportedly seen riding bicycles in the area. Clayton Police Officers on patrol located two bicycles abandoned near the area of Vinson Road and Torrey Pines about 4:30 AM. These bikes appear to you children’s bicycles, so it is possible that they may have been stolen. If anyone is missing a bicycle over this past weekend, or has seen anyone operating similar bicycles in the area, please contact us, so these bicycles may be returned to their rightful owners and appropriate follow-up investigations may be conducted.
The two bikes in question are:
1.) Pink in color, Schwinn, model: Heart Throb
2.) Black & Green in color Roadmaster, Model: MS Sport RX
IF ANYONE has any information about these suspects or the bicycles being stolen, please contact Captain Jon Gerrell…. 553-1576
To retrieve the bicycles, please contact:
Officer Nancy Harvey, Evidence Technician, at the Clayton Police Department, 553-4611during normal operating hours.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Reckless Driver

On Thursday night, October 23rd at 9:22pm, one of our community members witnessed Black BMX X3 driving very fast and erratically in our neighborhood. Driver was described as a male between 20 and 30 years of age, dark complexion.
Said car and driver were seen traveling down Neuse Ridge from the direction of the front of the neighborhood, executed a fast u-turn on Hein and sped (very fast) back toward the front of the neighborhood on Neuse Ridge. Estimated speed is said to exceed 50 mph. 911 was called while said car and driver returned down Hein to exit the back on the neighborhood and could be heard accelerating down Vinson and possibly back down Glen Laural.
Officer Melissa Phillips of Clayton PD responded but was unable to locate the person or vehicle in question. Officer Phillips remained in the area for over 2 hours without any further sighting.
The caller provided a detailed description of the car - but no license plate information - so the description was passed onto the rest of the traffic unit and the patrol division to see if we can locate the vehicle and speak with the registered owner to determine who is driving it in such a careless manner.
If anyone from the neighborhood sees the car parked in a driveway please have them get the plate and pass it on to your Neighborhood Watch representative which includes your Block Captain, Sector Leader or Watch Commander.

Images of model in question, NOT actual vehicle in question.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Garbage Cans Knocked Over
It appears someone walked along or perhaps drove along and grabbed at the garbage cans tipping them over all in the same direction.
If you see or hear anything CALL 911 - and PLEASE report this kind of activity to the Clayton Police.
Trash Cans Turned Over
Thank you
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Suspicious Vehicle

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Neighborhood Watch Meeting
Officer Joe Brady went over how 911 is for POLICE RESPONSE and not just emergencies and told us if we see something which doesn’t look right to call 911 and have the police come check it out. Any follow-up information on police response can be coordinated through Officer Brady and Lt. Hutchins or Mike and will be posted to the blog.
We have a wonderful community filled with neighbors willing to help neighbors – THANK YOU to all those neighbors who showed up tonight and most of all to those who stepped forward to be block captains!
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19 at 6:30 pm at the Glen Laurel Clubhouse.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Damage to Property @ Clubhouse
On 09/12/2010 Officer Owen Phillips responded to a reported damage to property at 918 Birkdale Dr, Glen Laurel Golf Club. Upon arrival he spoke with Steve Ostroff, manager, who advised someone had damaged one of the rear entry doors.
Officer Phillips walked to the rear of the business and found a large red landscaping paver laying on the interior floor approximately 6 feet from the door. The door has a large pane of glass ( approx 5` x 2`) in the center. The glass had been broken by the paver being thrown through it. The glass was double pane indicating a great amount of forced was used when thepaver was thrown.
Officer Phillips found that the motion detector in the room is at such an angle that it could not detect any movement from the damaged door. If the suspect had entered the business more than 7 feet, the motion detector would have picked up his movement.Mr. Ostroff stated he could not find anything missing from the business.
Officer Phillips checked the immediate area and did not locate anything that looked out of place inside of the business.Officer Phillips examined the paver and found it to be mostly wet indicating it had recently been thrown through glass due to it having rained recently.
There are no cameras located on the premises that would have captured the incident.Officer Phillips identified landscaping located 15 feet away from the door that was missing the exact type of paver.
Officer Phillips identified several easier ways to access the business for purposes of taking merchandise.This appears to be a damage to property at this time with no offender/suspect information.
Intentional Fire Destroys House Under Construction

Although it is much too early to speculate on suspects or motives, this fire has similarities with earlier illegal burnings that were in the same general area, were discovered during hours of late night or early morning darkness, and involved properties under construction and unoccupied. The earlier fires occurred between October 2009 and May 2010.
A previously announced reward in excess of $10,000.00 for INFORMATION resulting in the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the illegal burning of the properties under construction remains unclaimed. Anyone with information on this recent fire (or any of the earlier blazes) is asked to call the Clayton Police Department at (919) 553-4611 or Clayton Crime Stoppers at (919) 359-TIPZ (8479)
NOTE: REWARD… Anyone having information about these crimes can call the Clayton Crime Stoppers tip line at 359-TIPZ (8479) and anonymously leave information about these offenses. All information obtained from the tip-line will remain confidential and callers will not be identified. A Crimestoppers cash reward of up to $2,500 is available if anonymous information is provided that leads to an arrest.
Glen Laurel Watch MEETING
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
DWI - Underage Drinking Arrest
Meeting | Tuesday, July 20th @ 6:30 pm
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Stolen Car Located Near Glen Laurel
View Larger Map
1 teen cleared, 2nd teen charged in daycare fire
Clayton, N.C. — Charges have been dropped against a 13-year-old in connection with an April 5 fire that destroyed a daycare under construction, and a 14-year-old was charged in the same case last week.
The 13-year-old was taken into custody after the fire at the Building Blocks Childcare, 55 Hawkesburg Drive. Clayton police referred further questions about the case to the Johnston County District Attorney's Office.
Clayton police are investigating a string of arsons in which six homes, the day care and a school bus have been set on fire since the end of last October. The buildings were all under construction.
Police did not say what connection the 14-year-old may have to the arsons.
"The action may enhance further investigative efforts into all of the arson fires that have occurred over the past seven months," Chief Glen B. Allen said in a statement Wednesday.
Police have said that the 13-year-old was in secure custody when the most recent fires happened on May 2.
A reward of up to $20,000 has be offered for information that leads to an arrest in connection with the arson fires. Anyone who observed suspicious activity or has other information about the fire should call Clayton police at 919-553-4611 or Clayton Crime Stoppers at 919-359-8479.
- The juvenile now charged does not live in Glen Laurel, rather in the County near Glen Laurel.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What is a Neigborhood Watch?
- Recognize and report crimes and suspicious activities
- Protect yourself, your family, and your property,
- Protect your neighbor’s family and property, and
- Identify crime and disorder problems in your area and work with Clayton Police personnel to solve them.